Monday 6 February 2017

catching up

Had almost forgotten about this site. However, I have had computer issues for a couple years, and vehicle issues, as well, which have kept me from using my farm,but am back up, and running, now, and will be publishing more often.

As I was unable, for quite some time, to work the farm, I decided to start as many tree seedlings here, as possible, and then, decided to grow other stuff, as well, so as soon as the rains start, I can begin moving plants up top and into the ground

Thursday 8 August 2013


Well, the housing ideas are still travelling around in my brain.
I had had the idea to make a start on a 16x14 stone cabin, but Pat suggested we just build a simple cheap room with bathroom and kitchen nooks, small veranda, in among the rocky area around and between the two sweetsop trees. While that is doable, methinks we will have to have a separate bedroom, as, with 2 people living together, there will be times when one has crashed and the other is up, watching tv, etc, and the same applies in the morning. I will be posting pics as and when applicable.
One good thing about doing it this way is that while fairly cheap to put up, we can use this asa base so as to get the place working again. And, when we are ready, we will begin construction of the 3 bedroom Deltec style roundhouse, into which we may move, and the little bedroom will become available for rent to folks from abroad who wish to experience our lifestyle, or to radio folk who want to experience dx work from my location

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Part and Parcel

An idea my Mum passed on is to raise a couple of hens, for the eggs.

Thing is, when they are allowed to run in their own fenced in area, they scratch in the dirt, lay they poop in the run, you throw green weeds in there for them to peck at, and which in turn gets composted and turned by the hens, and Voila!

 after a few months, you clean out the run and add to the compost heap

And plant some chocho at the base of the fence, you will never run out

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Friends, in many ways

Since this subject is becoming of increasing benefit to those of us who choose to plant our own, so as to safe guard the health of, not only ourselves, but of those nearest and dearest to us, 
    It behooved me to put together some information, in the form of an article, setting out what plants, herbs, vegetables, flowers to plant together so as to assist each other, go well with each other, and further to help with the companions' pest control.
        The article can be found, as usual, at, where I have added a Feedburner, so please add your email so as to be notified whenever I or someone else adds to the comments, etc.. It does add to the overall, the theme 'Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food', as everything in the garden should have some use to the gardener, whether visually, nutritionally, health, pest control, fragrance, cleansing, etc

Saturday 8 June 2013

good for the soul...

Took the day yesterday and went up the mountain to do some wacking, the bush had been making away with the farm.

Started with the driveway, so as to finish it before the sun started to broil on that side. Lots of stone on the side, have to begin placing them in waves as terraced beds for filling with compost and soil so they can be planted out..

Then the major work, to clean around the existing cilantro beds, and the hillside below the camp, and then moved down to the planting area surrounding the mango tree. I never realized how thick it was in there. I suppose, due to the fertility of the beds, compounded by the rains, the bush got out of hand, it took me 3 tanks of gas and about 10 yards of cutting line to clean it, but it is done.

By the time evening came and I had to go cut some cilantro to take to town, I was bushed, myself. To the extent that, when I went to bathe, under the hose, with cold water, my legs started to cramp, and I ended up hobbling around, sore and soo tired

Tuesday 14 May 2013

"...outside the box? what box....?"

Looking at ways and means of manifesting funds to get my cabin going, any thoughts?

Friday 3 May 2013


I am looking into all sorts of ways and means with which I can earn funds, so as to be able to put up a cabin up on the farm. I started a GoFundMe program for contributions, which didn't work and I had to get PayPal to send me code so as to put a donate button directly onto my website. That netted me $187 after Paypal took their cut from the 200. I then went and started a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo and have been spreading that link all over facebook, and also among the people i deal with, so can only wait and see now.

Alternatively, i am looking at doing simple form filling jobs online to raise funds, basically anything i can find to do that pays for work done. the hype with all these guys and their videos of flashy cars and big houses turn me off, as simple boasting, and my feeling that they make these supposed millions from chumps like me who pay them a set fee for useless info. after they get your money and send you the useless info, they could care less about you, so forget them.
If any one who reads this, has any serious ideas on how I can raise funds, do make a comment, please